Changing the world, one story at a time…

©2020 PvdM Contact
September 2020

De nieuwe stammen-oorlogen .... Goodhart schreef in 2017 ‘The Road to Somewhere’ waarin hij het idee van 2 ‘stammen’ introduceert; de ‘Anywheres’ en ’Somewheres’. Het concept verklaart het slagen van iets ondenkbaars als Brexit haarfijn, maar ook de huidige, bijna burgeroorlog in de USA past er exact in. Wat dichter bij huis, verklaart het ook de ‘strijd’ van anti-vaxers en viruswaanzinnigen tegen de elite van epidemiologen en virologen ….. Lees hier uit het artikel op ‘New Statesman’:

Goodhart renames the new tribes the “Anywheres” (roughly 20 to 25 per cent of the population) and the “Somewheres” (about half), with the rest in between. And it broadly works. Those who see the world from anywhere are, he points out, the ones who dominate our culture and society, doing well at school and moving to a residential university, and then into a professional career, often in London or abroad. “Such people have portable ‘achieved’ identities,” he says, “based on educational and career success which makes them . . . comfortable and confident with new places and people.”

The rebels are those more rooted in geographical identity – the Scottish farmer, working-class Geordie, Cornish housewife – who find the rapid changes of the modern world unsettling. They are likely to be older and less well educated. “They have lost economically with the decline of well-paid jobs for people without qualifications and culturally, too, with the disappearance of a distinct working-class culture and the marginalisation of their views in the public conversation,” Goodhart writes. He argues that this distinction, emerging from a melange of social and cultural views together with life experiences, matters more than old distinctions of right and left, or social class.


Paul, bevliegeraar!